2022年9月24日 星期六

【環遊世界700天】第229天 Rocky Mountain High

從鹽湖城出發,穿過懷俄明州的草原,今天來到科羅拉多州省會丹佛 Denver。


這次旅程會來丹佛,源自一個美麗的誤會-- 我常常覺得“丹佛”這個名字很有山野風情,但原來這個印象不是來自這個城市,而是來自唱 “Take Me Home, Country Roads” 的 John Denver!不過錯有錯著,原來 John Denver 也是因為太喜愛丹佛旁邊的洛磯山脈才將姓氏改為 Denver,所以丹佛的確是美國最有自然野趣的城市呢。

John Denver (網上圖片)

除了 “Take Me Home, Country Roads”,John Denver 還有另一首歌,直接描寫科羅拉多州的風情:

Rocky Mountain high

He was born in the summer of his 27th year
Coming home to a place he'd never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
You might say he found a key for every door

When he first came to the mountains his life was far away
On the road and hanging by a song
But the string's already broken and he doesn't really care
It keeps changing fast and it don't last for long

But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullaby
Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)……


丹佛的 Union Station




四月在東京看過櫻花,想不到七月又來到日本。不過這次是和家人來自駕遊。 自從幾年前賣了車,父親對自駕遊期待已久。這次也是父母在疫情後第一次出遊,所以旅行的重點,是在最短的時間內去到最多地方,讓父親能一嘗車癮。 結果我們在九天內去了六個城市,從大阪一路駛回東京。雖然行色匆匆,但當中還...